Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Bah, originally uploaded by mike1727.

Strewn on local bridleways like natural cathrops , hawthorns are the bane of my off-road cycling life.

In the past 7 days I've had two front wheel punctures, and this morning the back tyre was soft so I've probably got a slow puncture there too. I'm pretty sure of which stretch is causing it- a quarter of a mile of bridleway skirting the northern edge of Marshalswick- the problem is that this is a very useful stretch which links a bunch of other routes.

Anyway. I digress. I have a plan. I'm going to keep all the thorns my tyres pick up this year and ritually burn them on the winter solstice. Hopefully this vodoo anti-wassail won't simply encourage more growth and more punctures the following year..

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